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Morning Routine for People with ADHD

Written by Stephanie Underwood, RSW

Crafting a personalized morning routine is key to kicking off your day positively. Each of us has unique needs and preferences, making it essential to find what specifically suits us. In this blog, I'll unveil my tailored morning routine, thoughtfully designed to accommodate my ADHD and individual requirements. While it's always evolving, my approach is grounded in scientific principles and attuned to my body's demands.

For individuals with ADHD, having a structured routine is immensely beneficial due to the way it introduces predictability and organization into their daily lives, areas often fraught with challenges due to the nature of ADHD. This condition can make it difficult to maintain focus, manage time effectively, and prioritize tasks, leading to feelings of overwhelm and frustration. A structured routine can act as a scaffold that supports individuals in navigating these challenges. It provides clear expectations and a sequence of actions to follow, which can reduce decision fatigue and help in managing the impulsivity and distractibility that are common in ADHD. Moreover, routines can enhance a sense of stability and security, creating a framework within which individuals with ADHD can practice and reinforce executive function skills, such as planning and task initiation. This not only aids in the completion of daily tasks but also contributes to a greater sense of control and accomplishment, which can be particularly empowering for those with ADHD.


I often find myself wrestling with morning procrastination, a challenge intertwined with my ADHD, which turns the simple act of waking up and tackling morning tasks into a considerable ordeal. Recognizing this, I've crafted a routine that thoughtfully accommodates my ADHD needs. For those who might not be well-acquainted with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), starting tasks can be a daunting, daily hurdle. That's precisely why I designed my morning routine to streamline the process as much as possible.

The ideal morning routine for someone with ADHD should be structured yet flexible, incorporating elements that promote focus, calmness, and a positive start to the day.

Here's an example of what this might look like:

Wake Up Time

Begin with a consistent wake-up time, using an alarm with a pleasant tone. Allow for a few minutes of stretching or deep breathing to gently transition from sleep to wakefulness.

I personally wake up at around 06:45 AM, giving myself a reasonable window of time to get out of bed. As someone who struggles with morning procrastination due to ADHD, I've found ways to "streamline" my morning tasks. For example, I use a mobile app called IFTTT to automate my bedroom lights and television to turn on at 6:45 AM. This helps me wake up and get going without the need for multiple alarms. I also use an app called Sleep Cycle to track my sleep hours and patterns.

Morning Sunshine

The first thing I do when I get out of bed is step out on my balcony to get some light exposure, which is definitely more difficult to do during the winter. This might sound like an odd thing to do, but exposure to early morning light helps develop a healthy circadian rhythm, allowing me to get more restful sleep at night. It also helps to reduce stress and boost my mood and alertness. If you struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder, I highly recommend trying this.

Physical Activity

Incorporate some form of physical exercise, even if it's brief. This could be a short walk, yoga, or a quick workout session to boost energy levels and improve mood.

I try to spend 45 minutes on my walking padright after getting up in the morning, which I recently purchased to help me stay active without taking up too much space in my apartment. While I don't enjoy working out, I find that using my walking pad is an easy and effective way to get some exercise in.

Hydration and Nutrition

Drink a glass of water to rehydrate and follow up with a nutritious breakfast that includes protein and complex carbohydrates to fuel the brain and body.

Morning Vitamin Supplement

Taking vitamins and supplements has genuinely changed my life. Before starting any supplements, it's important to check with your healthcare provider and do your research to ensure that they are high-quality products and that you know what the vitamins contain.

Morning Nutrition

While I'm not typically hungry in the morning, I know that breakfast is an essential meal that provides my body with the fuel it needs to start the day. I've found that smoothies are an easy and convenient way to get in some nutrition.

My go-to brand is Evive, which offers blender-free smoothies that are packaged in a frozen wheel of eight wedges comprising fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins. I simply pop out the wedges, combine them with liquid, and shake to create a ready-to-go smoothie without the need for a blender. This streamlines my morning routine and allows me to multitask while my smoothie is preparing.

Transition Time

Build in extra time between morning activities to account for possible distractions or slower transitions, ensuring a less rushed and more positive start.

Creative Outlet

Allow time for a brief creative activity, such as journaling or doodling, to engage the brain in a non-stressful, enjoyable way.

I'm a big advocate for journaling and make it a point to jot down my morning thoughts as often as possible. It's crucial to understand that journaling comes without any set expectations. I frequently encounter clients who are reluctant to start journaling, fearing they won't know what to jot down. However, it's vital to leave perfectionism at the door when it comes to journaling. The content of your writing isn't the focus—the act of writing itself is what matters.


Each person's morning routine is distinct, and discovering what resonates with you is key. By customizing my routine to suit my specific needs, I ensure that I kickstart my day positively and enhance my overall productivity.

I'm eager to learn about your morning rituals and any strategies you've adopted to make your mornings more efficient. Share your experiences in the comments below!

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