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Counselling Approaches

Empowering you to be your authentic self


My professional social work practice is integrative, trauma-informed, and holistic, combining elements of attachment-based and psychodynamic approaches. I also use tools and techniques found in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness-based therapies.

Trauma-Informed Approach

Trauma-Informed Therapy is a special type of therapy that aims to understand and address the profound effects of trauma on one's mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. It operates under the premise that our experiences, particularly traumatic ones, leave lasting impacts on how we perceive and interact with the world.

Central to this approach is recognizing the intricate link between past trauma and the emotional and behavioral patterns we see today. The reactions and feelings we encounter in the present day often have their roots in traumatic incidents from our past, and understanding this connection is a crucial part of the healing process.

In trauma-informed therapy, our main goal is to equip you with the tools and strategies necessary to better comprehend and manage the emotions and memories associated with your traumatic experiences. This is not just about reliving painful events, but rather about reprocessing them in a healthier, more adaptive manner.

By doing so, we aim to help you reframe your understanding of the trauma, enabling you to derive a more positive and empowering interpretation of your experiences. This therapy aims to turn a daunting past into a catalyst for strength and resilience, crafting a new narrative that fosters growth and a healthier life trajectory.

Therapy session

Attachment-Based Approach

Attachment-Based Therapy is a therapeutic approach that centers around educating clients on the concepts of attachment theory and assisting them to implement this understanding in their personal relationships. As social workers, we guide clients to delve into their relationship patterns and equip them with strategies to foster secure and resilient attachments with their loved ones.

This therapy places a strong emphasis on the pivotal role of early childhood attachments, particularly those with primary caregivers. The nature of these initial bonds significantly influences an individual's emotional and relational development, shaping their capacity to form healthy, meaningful relationships in adulthood.

When a child experiences inconsistent or neglectful care, it may lead to feelings of separation and trauma, setting the stage for future attachment issues. Such experiences can disrupt the trust and security that is foundational to healthy attachments.

Attachment-Based Therapy aims to address these disruptions by exploring these early connections. The objective of this therapy is not just to comprehend the impacts of early attachments, but also to enable the client to construct strong, supportive, and trustworthy relationships in their life. In this way, Attachment-Based Therapy endeavors to help you cultivate secure attachments that nourish your wellbeing and enrich your relationships.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Psychodynamic Approach

Psychodynamic Therapy is a therapeutic approach that seeks to understand your current behavioral patterns and reactions by tracing them back to your developmental history and early attachments. This approach stands on the belief that our past, particularly our early life experiences, profoundly shape the way we behave and interact in the present.

In the practice of Psychodynamic Therapy, we commence by identifying the primary patterns and challenges you're facing. We then delve into your developmental history, encompassing your early life experiences and the relationships you formed during this period.

By drawing connections between your past and your current behavioral patterns, Psychodynamic Therapy offers a unique lens through which to understand your present circumstances. It facilitates a profound understanding of the origins of your behaviors, attitudes, and feelings, creating an opportunity for substantial personal growth and change.

The ultimate goal of Psychodynamic Therapy is to help you make sense of your past, providing you with the insight needed to foster meaningful changes in your life. By acknowledging and addressing your past, you're better equipped to navigate your future.

Image by Christina @

Systems Approach

A system’s approach is the idea that human beings exist as part of a complex system rather than an individual who acts in isolation. We ourselves are systems that are part of larger systems, each having an influence on each other. 


In this theory, behaviour is influenced by a variety of factors that work together as a system. These factors include family, friends, social settings, religious structure, economic class and home environment, which can all influence how individuals act and think.


Social workers using systems theory will work to understand how their clients are influenced by the systems they’re a part of. Social workers then identify where systemic breakdowns are affecting behaviour. 

Therapy session
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